
Articles Posted in Dangerous or Defective Products


How to Know if you have a Personal Injury Claim

                          How do you know if you have a personal injury claim? You can suffer personal injuries when injured physically, psychologically, or emotionally usually due to negligence, carelessness, or wrongful conduct of another individual. It’s typically the case…


Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease

                          What is Paraquat? Paraquat, also known as Gramoxone, is an herbicide primarily used for weed and grass management. However, According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), It is a toxic chemical. The CDC also…


Similac and Enfamil Face Lawsuits over Defective Baby Formula

In premature infants, both Enfamil, a baby formula manufactured by Mead Johnson, and Similac, a baby formula manufactured by Abbott Laboratories, can cause necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). This gastrointestinal condition, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), is severe and causes intestinal tissue death. It may even be fatal in as many as 50% of…


Toxic Baby Formula Causes Birth Defects in Premature Infants and Newborns

Bringing new life into the world is one of the most joyous occasions an individual can experience. When someone becomes a parent, the world changes instantly and all prior priorities fade. That means that when something tragic happens to a baby, the pain is beyond description.          …



CANCER CAUSING BENZENE FOUND IN SUNSCREENS LINKED TO HIGHER RISK–KILLER TAN CAN BE DEADLY – 40 SUNSCREEN BRANDS RECALLED July 17, 2021, San Antonio, Texas:  Sunscreen products have been pulled from shelves across the country after they were found to contain significant amounts of benzene, a known carcinogen.  Experts say…


Defective Product Lawsuits in Texas

Various state and federal agencies regulate the safety of infant and baby products. While these agencies possess the power to administer and enforce federal safety laws, many dangerous products continue to make their way into the consumer stream. Every year infants and children in Texas experience exposure to dangerous and…


Supreme Court of Texas Upholds $15M Verdict in Product Liability Claim

The Supreme Court of Texas issued a decision in Emerson v. Johnson, upholding a multi-million dollar verdict in a Texas product liability lawsuit. The record indicates that the plaintiff, a highly experienced HVAC repairman, suffered severe burns to over 60% of his body while installing an HVAC unit. After an…


Comparative Negligence in Texas Car Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles

Self-driving, or autonomous cars, are revolutionizing the way the public looks at travel and car ownership. These vehicles turn active drivers into passive passengers, allowing motorists to rely on the car’s advanced computerized system to navigate the roads and avoid collisions. However, these cars may result in a serious Texas…


Amazon Products Liability Case Could Affect Texas Consumers in Products Liability Claims

In light of COVID-19, everyone seems to be shopping online more frequently. Whether you’re shopping online to adhere to social distancing concerns or simply out of boredom, Amazon has become an important part of regular online shopping trips in many households. When a product purchased from the online retailer, however,…


Dangerous Baby Food May Affect Texas Infants and Toddlers

Pre-prepared and packaged baby food has served as a convenient option for busy parents of infants and toddlers for decades. As parents, we only want what is best for our children, and we should be able to trust that the products we purchase for them to put into their bodies…

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